Avia Photography

My photo
Columbia, Missouri, United States
Warning, the following ramblings are those of a sometimes sidetracked photographer avoiding accomplishing tasks on her list. All we ask is that if you use one of our photos from here or elsewise, you kindly give us credit. = )

Monday, December 27, 2010

.:our wise cat:.

I meant to add this yesterday, on Christmas. I took this photo of our cat, Balthazaar, a few days prior to Christmas. For some reason it reminded me of little baby Jesus in a horse trough. Only, it's our cat who prefers to squeeze herself into tiny boxes rather than use regular beds.

Fittingly, Brian named her Balthazaar (when we thought she was a boy) after one of the wise men. Guess it's better I posted it post Christmas, when the wise men from the East came.

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