Avia Photography

My photo
Columbia, Missouri, United States
Warning, the following ramblings are those of a sometimes sidetracked photographer avoiding accomplishing tasks on her list. All we ask is that if you use one of our photos from here or elsewise, you kindly give us credit. = )

Monday, December 27, 2010

.:micki & cale christmas:.

Micki was recommended to us by one of our favoritest wedding couples, Julie & Colin. Micki has style to spare and so when she gave me her ideas for the family's Christmas photos, needless to say I was stoked! We started out in a borrowed studio downtown for some high class shots and ended the day privileged enough to go with her family to pick out their Christmas tree! I promised Micki I wouldn't post the photos until after Christmas since the photos were for their cards and gifts but I am so excited to share them with you! You can tell from the very first photo that Brian fit right in with the little ones. = )

Eeeks! So adorable!

It may have been a little chilly that blustery November afternoon...

The littlest one sprinted for the woods and Micki and big sis had to go after her!

Someone looks like a natural model...

Rosy red cheeks. Cale and the littlest watched their new Christmas tree being bundled.

The red trailer that took our merry group out to the field of trees.

Isn't family grand?

1 comment:

Silver Image said...

Brian fits in anywhere ;-)