Warning, the following ramblings are those of a sometimes sidetracked photographer avoiding accomplishing tasks on her list. All we ask is that if you use one of our photos from here or elsewise, you kindly give us credit. = )
I met Jackie her freshman year when she happened up living on the same floor on which I was a P.A. (think R.A. but better!). Nick was often around and I got to see some of their sweet courtship. Jackie is drop dead gorgeous and you could always tell Nick knew he had landed a steal! I feel so honored they let me take their wedding pictures on the warm & sunny January 3rd (although for some reason I kept accidentally calling them "Nikki and Jack" rather than "Jackie & Nick" all day long--you can bet that caused a few giggles!). One of the things I love about weddings is that each couple adds their own signature to it. You never have to do it all the same. Jackie & Nick added their touch of finesse by driving away to their reception in style--on a firetruck! Yay for the Glascocks! (Oh, and Brian took the photo immediately above. It's hard to go wrong with the 70-200!)
Beautiful! Love the firetruck!
ooo, cool reception shot and love the FG photo! (FG is david's bridal lingo for flower girl haha)
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