Avia Photography

My photo
Columbia, Missouri, United States
Warning, the following ramblings are those of a sometimes sidetracked photographer avoiding accomplishing tasks on her list. All we ask is that if you use one of our photos from here or elsewise, you kindly give us credit. = )

Monday, February 2, 2009

.:mike's silly lens:.

On the rare occasion that I feel pooped after a long day of marketing/photoediting/general administrative tasks I do all day at the office, it's difficult to get myself motivated to do another 5 hours of photowork at home. So I give myself incentives.

Tonight it involves Mike. Mike Tsai to be exact and his ridiculous love for his ridiculous lens (mine beats the pants off yours, by the way, Mike). Photos I haven't edited from our last Columbia meetup in November. So I'm posting 2 versions of the same photo. Mike can be the judge of his favorite. = )


4Honor said...

Ha ha! Thank you for the picture~ I like the first one better. But actually, since I got my lens first, mine is better. You copied me... :D

Silver Image said...

I saved $1200, bought a great Sigma 70-200 2.8 and spent the balance on a d700 ;-}