Jenny was that beautiful girl in school who always did well. You know the one that all of the teachers loved? And Nate was... well... not quite as occupied with achievement as Jenny was growing up in school. The two grew up in Kirksville together but were never really part of the same crowd ("Clearly," Jenny would say). As fate would have it, though, the pair ended up at Mizzou together and were re-introduced through mutual friends. Nate told his best friend that Jenny was most definitely the girl he was going to marry. Well, Jenny wasn't so sure about this. Despite his persistence, Jenny kept Nate as a good "guy friend" (which many men think spells doom) but finally after three years, she gave in and went on a date with the guy. It turned out to be a great decision as, well, you can see they ended up here! Now inseparable, Nate keeps Jenny grounded and helps her to not worry so much about the little details while Jenny keeps Nate striving for everything he can be.
As the story often goes as of late, Jenny contacted me on Monday of their wedding week to warn me about the impending forecast--60% chance of rain--and did we have a backup plan for the outdoor photos? So Jenny and I did a little pre-game brainstorming but, as always, I assumed the chance of rain would disappear. And, sure enough, Friday the chance was 70%-80% for all day on Saturday but by Saturday morning the chance had completely disappeared. Yay for no rain!
It was an absolutely beautiful day! We started out at Aesthetic Studio (http://aestheticstudio.net/) for Jenny to get her makeup airbrushed. (The awesome thing with airbrushed makeup is that it doesn't. come. off. Seriously. Sweat. Tears. Nothing can faze that stuff! A-mazing!) and went back to The Gathering Place B&B (http://www.gatheringplacebedandbreakfast.com/) to finish her hair and get dressed. There I encountered the amazing Tessa Glenn from JCPenney's salon who did a fantastic job on Jenny and her mom and sister's hair! We did a few shots at the B&B with Jenny's entourage of beautiful bridesmaids and then made our way to the Winston Churchill Memorial (http://www.churchillmemorial.org/Pages/default.aspx). When Nate laid his eyes on Jenny in her perfect gown and amazing veil his jaw almost dropped. Jenny is absolutely drop dead gorgeous. She has a jawline and cheekbones that most of us would kill to have and, well, it's pretty hard to take a bad picture of her (despite her insistence that she only has a few good angles). We got to take a few of the two of them before we started the day.
Jenny picked out so many magical details. There were peacock feathers galore (did I mention that I *LOVE* peacock feathers?) pewter birdcages, gorgeous frames with their pictures, a guestbook we put together that had all of their favorite engagement photos, rose petals to line the aisles, and tons of amazing details Jenny plucked from Etsy! (http://www.etsy.com)
The bridal party took a Trolley back to Columbia and we snagged a few photos in between. When we finally made it to the Tiger Hotel for their reception, everyone was ready to get out of their high heels and enjoy the evening! Edith Hall did an a-MAZING job on Jenny & Nate's cake, which echoed the design of Jenny's dress and the fantastic Tessa did a quick change up with Jenny's hair, turning it into a fishbone side ponytail with a great hairpiece Jenny had just for the occasion. With photos on the rooftop, the dances, and the the Cupie Shuffle under our belt we ended our night with a bang.

Jenny picked up some GORGEOUS white peacock feathers to accent her own bouquet.

Tessa came to the B&B that morning to fix Jenny's hair and did such a great job!

Jenny found beautiful matching earrings for all of her bridesmaids but her sister, Gentry, couldn't resist finding a pair for their mom.

So while the girls were getting gussied up, Nate was with his groomsmen and the men of the day eating at a Columbia favorite, Shakespeare's Pizza! (www.shakespeares.com)

Jenny and Nate did a "First Look" which allowed us to get some fantastic images of the two of them beforehand and get everyone to the reception faster afterwards. These are always some of my favorite times of the day!

Gah! Jenny is so beautiful!

Jenny *loves* planning and poured herself into the details of it all. She settled on a warm purple with gold and hunter green accents that just looked breathtaking. Not to mention the peacock feathers that were scattered throughout so much of the day!

I *loved* this ringbearer pillow she got from Etsy. See the peacock feathers made in sequins?

The adorable flower girl's grandparents were in from Japan and so it was so fun to watch them oogling at their ridiculously precious granddaughter!

A wedding isn't a wedding without a ringbearer or a flower girl doing something out of the ordinary. This little guy sprinted. Seriously. Sprinted. Up the aisle.

Going up the aisle escorted by her father and leaving at the arm of her new husband. = ) I love the symbolism!

See what I mean by most gorgeous church ever?

Bubble exit!

On our way back to Columbia we stopped to take a few shots of the bridal party and Jenny and Nate. I *love* this old house. It made for some great dramatic shots.

And, of course, the bridal party was quite entertained by good company and good beverages on the trolley on our way back.

Jenny found all sorts of bird cages to put on the tables. This one was my favorite!

Edith Hall did a fan-TASTIC job on the cake. I've sampled a lot of cakes in my day and I have to honestly say that Edith's *always* not only look amazing but taste overwhelmingly good. And that says a lot because... well... I generally think that wedding cakes taste a little like cardboard.

Assuming Jenny likely warned him prior, Nate did not smear the cake in Jenny's face.

One of the cool things about the Tiger Hotel is that Tina will let you go out onto the roof for some shots! Gorgeous! And check out Jenny's reception hair!

Man love. = )

"Party like it's 1999!"
And for those of you who are curious, here's the rundown of Jenny & Nate's vendors:
Flowers: Allen's http://www.allensflowersinc.com/
Cake: Edith Hall http://cakeswiththepersonaltouchbyedithhall.blogspot.com/
Hair: Tessa Glenn from JCPenney Salon
Make-Up: Aesthetic Studio http://aestheticstudio.net/
Trolley: White Knight Limousines http://www.gowhiteknight.com/fleet/limousines?gclid=CJj2k9iOkakCFZQbKgodhHcjpA
Dress Designer: Casa Blanca http://www.casablancabridal.com/
Happy planning!
Mallory (& Brian)