Avia Photography

My photo
Columbia, Missouri, United States
Warning, the following ramblings are those of a sometimes sidetracked photographer avoiding accomplishing tasks on her list. All we ask is that if you use one of our photos from here or elsewise, you kindly give us credit. = )

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

.:katie and mitch:.

I'm saving the good stories about Katie and Mitch for their wedding post (next month! woo hoo!). But I will say that Ms. Katie Burkle is so dear to me. We went through discipleship together for two years (was it really two years?) with several other lovely ladies. And now she's getting married to the man of her dreams. It's funny, as you look through these photos you'll see that I unconsciously worked on balancing out Katie and Mitch's 12 inch height disparity (Brian and I have the same height difference, which is probably why I told him he was too tall for me all the time!).

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