Avia Photography

My photo
Columbia, Missouri, United States
Warning, the following ramblings are those of a sometimes sidetracked photographer avoiding accomplishing tasks on her list. All we ask is that if you use one of our photos from here or elsewise, you kindly give us credit. = )

Monday, April 27, 2009

.:my day job:.

So some of you may know that I am an architectural photographer by day and an everything else photographer by night & weekend (wedding, portraits, events, etc.). Though buildings may not seem nearly as exciting as people (and trust me, they often aren't) on occasion I come across a property that just stuns me. I get to travel around (when I'm not part of the marketing department in the wintery times) and take shots of interiors & exteriors of affordable housing complexes. But do not assume that they are slums. No sirree, these are beautiful properties that *I* would LOVE to live in (but don't qualify). They often fix up old historic properties that are abandoned. I visited one such property in on Friday. It was an abandoned school that has now been restored and turned into a beautiful senior center opening next week.

How would you like to live in a building whose common space looks like this? Absolutely stunning.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


So these past few days have been jam-packed with photos. And I mean it. Friday started out my day with a photoshoot of a beautifully landscaped backyard for one of my company's gorgeous new senior complexes in Columbia and ended with a fun wedding rehearsal for Allison & Alan in Jefferson City. Yesterday we made it to Jeff at 11 to start shooting their wedding day. Got some A-MAZING photos, especially at the capitol building afterwards. We prayed for no rain and voila, no rain so the cloudy atmosphere couldn't have produced a better lighting source for the wedding party photos. To top the day off we headed back to Columbia to photograph Brad Cunningham and a young violinist at the Artisan and got some pretty wicked shots and finally called it a day to return to our humble abode close to 11:00 p.m.

I can't wait to see the photos!

But it's Sunday and we are resting because it is the Lord's day. Did anyone ever mention that resting was hard? It takes all of my self-control sometimes on our day of rest for me not to do any work. But it's good for me. = )

So maybe I'll get to post some of the photos tomorrow. Yay! Until then, I'm resting. (Or rather, trying to.)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


My first Easter from as long as I can remember where I didn't go to church! Brian was really sick so I wasn't feeling super artsy, but here are a few from Easter:

These lips were literally frozen on Lily for the first full minute she got outside to hunt for eggs!

Lily's sister, Emma, looking a little devious.

My mom wanted a family photo. I set it on auto timer and we took 3 frames--one of which was this one. Everyone else knew Chris was messing up the photo but there I am, still determined to look the camera in the eye...

I finally got to snap a few photos of my dear little sister and her hubby, Christopher. My grandmother's hay loft in her barn does make for some beautiful, diffused lighting scenarios. I tried adding a little external flash but it just didn't do them justice so I scrapped it. The natural light just wrapped around them so much better!