Avia Photography

My photo
Columbia, Missouri, United States
Warning, the following ramblings are those of a sometimes sidetracked photographer avoiding accomplishing tasks on her list. All we ask is that if you use one of our photos from here or elsewise, you kindly give us credit. = )

Monday, July 6, 2009

.:dusty & adam:.

Dusty was my resident for two whole years in the Honors community at Mizzou. I recognized Dusty as a kindred spirit pretty quickly. (Plus, I was the only one who had ever heard of the Presbyterian denomination she had grown up in.) I like to call women like Dusty and I confident, purposeful, and resourceful. We have chosen well (or, rather, been chosen) and married men that see our strengths for what they are (unlike the anonymous reader who decided to send Adam a little note right before their wedding, right, Dusty?).

It was so fun finally getting to meet her fiance that day after hearing so many wonderful things. I knew he had to be special as Dusty is quite an amazing gal, for real. Brian, who followed around the guys, said watching Adam was like walking down memory lane to our wedding day as Adam was super laid back and happy-go-lucky (even after getting a seatbelt ticket that morning from a cop in addition to getting over Mono he had come down with a few weeks before!). Dusty, on the other hand, was busy trying to stay calm and simultaneously making sure everything was perfect. Her excitement was more than once mixed with tears of joy during the day (I seem to remember a few bursts of my own on my wedding day). Her hardwork paid off as the ceremony and reception went off without a hitch. The only thing we were missing was more time for pictures!

I call this classic Dusty.

Check out the boutonnieres--Dusty made all of them! They were so cute!

Brian and I have a theory going (mind you, it's only a theory and hasn't been tested, we just like to speculate) that you can tell a lot about a couple by their kiss at the end of the ceremony and by what they do as soon as they come down the aisle. I am pleased to announce that Dusty and Adam passed the test with flying colors. Their kiss was not only passionate, but long, and when they came down the aisle they immediately kissed and embraced. Brian and I have decided this means that they are destined for a long, loving road ahead of them!
Is this not the most adorable cake ever?
This was Dusty's non-verbal communication to Adam not to shove cake in her face.
Dry counties. I don't think you can find them in Mid-Missouri...

Father of the bride!

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